Hello everyone! How did you pass the inmovilization ? Today I am going to talk about a website that I enjoy visiting and is the famous Youtube : Everything began when I was eleven years old and with my cousin called Francisco We starting see and did fun videos during the summer join a channel but even tough We dont be famous I won good memories with him Neverthelesst for a future generations and possible bullying in the college now the channel is closed but never I have stop to see Youtube Because recently and due to during the strike of the career I was visiting to know interesting information about agriculturist for example a documental about elaboration of wine called ABC vinos or in way more general the fruticulture `s activities and thats help me in my career like agriculturist and since now I see documentals once day at the weekend. Also in this site I like listen music or see movies in my freetime with my boyfriend When We dont have a good site free to see it.
*website : www.youtube.com