Thursday, April 19, 2018

why i did choose my career?

Well , today i going to talk about why i did choose the career agronomy : This started  when i was seventeen years old and when i was finalized the school , and i wanted study Medicine in the Univerdidad de Chile because i love the biology and all about this cience with his caracters , so i did the psu very excited but my point were To far  far away to the 700 points or more for get it  ha ha ha very very sad .So i did a preuniversitary and i studied to much for get at the point , but my nerves afected my performance in the test and , so i decided get it to Obstetrics because that career also has biology .Suddenly in the year 2014 i was must to out for the same reason that i said in the last post.So i did a preuniversitary again but just a semestry  that year  and my election was agronomy because for me this  was new i did'nt know it .So i was to the fair's students of  the universidad de chile and the persons of the table told me abaout the career and my expectivives was very good , i love the health food and the fruit and vegetables  and this carrier is cience pure! Fantástic for me .Now i love the agronomy and all the cience that has it.And You? What is your career? Y Why did you choose your career? I am waiting for your coments! Respects!!! 😁


  1. I also changed my career and it was the best decision! I think that the psu test is not a good method since it decides for you your future

  2. You are very brave for having changed your career in spite of everything, that everything continues very well!

  3. Apparently we are many who change our career, but that is good because it serves to gain experiences in life :)
