Saturday, August 4, 2018


Hello everyone ! Today I am going yo talk about my opinion and experiencia with this activity of blog in this semester well this world was new for me because I never has a blog and neither one where you must write English and read words in English.The first post in this Website Blogger was very dificultad because my writting in Spanish is not very well un English is worst! Haha but after with practise and since every thurday We Must to do a one about specific topic but thanks for it my writting is better now ando my time doing it is leds.The topics was very interesting and with some I could write about things of my career and things that I like as the Oenology , fitness etc also helped me in know a lot words and what mean .Also I think that's helps you in express better your ideas through in comments to all people and meting them.I just wanna say  thanks for this oportunity of learn this , because I need it for my future works. Regards!

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