Hello everyone! Today is the free topic and I was waiting for this moment to talk about activity that I practice since I was eighteen years old and is my favorite hobbie :physical activity.Every week as student We need study for the college and that is very stressful , but you can lower anxiety level with just one hour in the day doing cardio or lift weigths.The sport is very important in all life because it keep you healthy throught id low weight and obesity rate of the people , burn calories so you can eat more food and also exist investigation about the physical activity that is posible the increase of happiness in the people.But well I practise at gym called "Energy" three times at week or more when I have more time and in the day two hours aprox and for be efective with a healthy diet low in carbohydrates with high protein but its not terrifict! also I have days(one or two) out of diet because I love the french fries and sushi.This world is difficult for endure it ,but nothing is imposible If you want chance your habits you will get it .Regards!
The diet part sounds painful XD