Thursday, May 24, 2018


Hello everyone!, Today I am gonig to talk about the climate change and even though I know just the basic  problems relaiting to this topic ,in my opinion I dont believe in nothing that the president Donald Trump said because as well as he has political problems with the Asian countries he want produce an atmosphere of mistrust and fear in the world before them. Also in a class of Renewable resources a teacher said that the climate always is changing in the world at every one time so is impossible treat it.Nevertheless it is time that we take care of our enviroment and not pollute it for facilitate our life and of other species througth some action , for example:
Keep the food residues after eat and not throw out it,put your bottles of glass and plastic in a container or recycle it for an other action ,not use a chimney to get a clean air and others good actions for a good life.💚


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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

My favorite photo

Hello everyone! Today I want to show a photo about a special travel with my boyfriend in the summer 2018 .We went to South of chile but first We to stay in a camp with his family in Parral ,so his father taken the photo. 
In the present , this photo is the most important to me , because it was my first time like backpacker and Alexander that always accompanied me and helped me in any situation during the trip, since We are best friends and We are in love.

This photo represent how the travel helped us to know that a relation it's all about wanting to learn from one another.  Everybody can think that We have got a long relationship but really our relation is recently started .
 I want stay with him to a long time and maybe in a far future, Together drinking a wineglass in my vineyard´s house with my animals and crops. Regards!

Thursday, May 10, 2018


Hi everyone! Today i am going to talk about the inmigrants. Recently everybody talk about this topic , because I think that is imposible not have a near situation with this persons and the cause is nowadays in chile there 1 millon of inmigrants aproximadety .Also in relation with this and about the new law of inmigration 2018 I think is a good idea because this persons need a registration in our country if they had to a bad situacion o accident or also in the case of they have a new don´t existing diseases here or criminal records , so, this control is a modo of proteccion to both cases.But for a other side I like live around with inmigrants as they are friendly with me My parents in them job they have a personnel from countrys as Venezuela, Colombia and I have a nice relationship with them. And  What about you What is your opinion ?Regards! 

Thursday, May 3, 2018

My Favorite piece of Tecnology

Hi! Today I am going to talk about my favorite piece of technology and I think is the same that of your because everybody always use it in some situation. This piece is nothing but that the cell-phone and this tecnology have everything I need :

-This have a calculator 
-I can catch photos , this is very important for a have cute memories with friends or family.
-I can show videos in Youtube and find information in internet and have music by Spotify for a long travel or trip on the bus.Also,this have a social network aplication call Facebook or instagram for publication about your life everyday or photos and coments.And  you can use Whatsapp for the comunication when you can´t call to somebody.

So , this tecnology were created  for the comuncation but now is better , You dont believe?